Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How to Thoroughly Clean an RV Vent Fan

We demonstrate how to remove, clean and reinstall a Fantastic vent fan in your RV. The fans are used so often and move so much air, that they get really dirty. Once a year or so, we like to remove and super-clean ours. We'll show you how to make your Fantastic fans look like new.

Having an exhaust fan in your motorhome, travel trailer or fifth wheel is terrific for saving on air conditioning use in the summer, and for reducing moisture from the RV in colder weather. Removing and replacing the fans to give them a really good cleaning requires no special tools or knowledge, and can easily be completed in a half hour or less.

We don't pretend to be experts on any particular RV topic, and mostly know about maintaining our own rig. But many systems are the same on different RVs. The advice we give works well for us, but be sure to consult a professional technician if you're unsure about working on your own RV.


  1. It's unfortunate that you went to all that trouble yet didn't bother to re-lube the lid gasket which almost always gets as much gunk on it as the fan blades do.

  2. We don't lube it precisely because that lube will attract dirt and make it gunky. We simply wipe it with a damp cloth, as demonstrated in the video.
